Picture Lock Unlocked: What's Wrong With Liking Green Book? — Picture Lock
Picture Lock Unlocked: What's Wrong With Liking Green Book?

Picture Lock Unlocked: What's Wrong With Liking Green Book?

Happy Thursday folks! I’ve got a special Unlocked Episode today. This year I want to do a lot more in using my platform to have tough conversations and continue to make positive social change. With the recent win of Green Book for Best Picture, I think there was an audible moan heard around the world when it was announced. Certainly social media blew up in discussing either disappointment or happiness for the films win. But with some of the discussion being yelling and demeaning back and forths on social media, I wanted to have a calm convo on the subject. So today I’m joined by film critic and WTOP Entertainment Editor Jason Fraley to discuss: What’s Wrong With Liking Green Book? 

I’m grateful for Jason joining me to have the discussion as this is a sensitive subject and it’s not always easy to dive into race relations and how we interact with one another. However, he believed in the importance of having this conversation just as much as I did. So it’s a nice conversation between friends and film critics that I think you’ll enjoy.

Check Jason on Twitter: https://twitter.com/JFrayWTOP

Check out the For Harriet video by Kimberly Foster here: https://www.facebook.com/forharriet/videos/560723534424496/

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Picture Lock Unlocked: What's Wrong With Liking Green Book?
Kevin Sampson
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