"F9" Review: For True Fans Only — Picture Lock
"F9" Review: For True Fans Only

"F9" Review: For True Fans Only

There’s no question, F9 is for the fans! If you have a problem with submarines, shootouts where trained military miraculously miss one person running away, airstrips that last forever…you’ve probably checked out a couple installments ago anyway. This film gives you the story rooted in family that you’ve grown to love and the superhuman, physics law breakin’ action true fans have come to expect. I’ll admit, this die hard fan is a ten second car away from riding off to the sunset on this franchise as well.


The film starts in the past to give us more backstory on Dom (Vin Diesel). From there the film plays out exactly as you would expect. There’s a big action set piece to get our heroes back in the action after finding out a world destroying weapon has potentially gotten into the hands of new villain, Jakob (John Cena), who is Dom’s long lost brother. (This is all trailer info of course.) In fact, the trailer gives away most surprises. The question is, how does it all connect?

How does it all connect is a question that, like family, is a through line through the franchise. How did Han (Sung Kang) survive? How have we never heard about Dom’s brother? Are they really going to space with a car? All questions are answered in their own zany ways. In fact, the film gets meta as Roman (Tyrese Gibson) and Tej (Chris Bridges) talk about how they never get killed or seriously hurt throughout all of their adventures. 

Has the Fast & Furious franchise jumped the shark? You would have thought it had when they jumped a submarine, but it persists and we love it for its insanity. However, this installment is really pushing its limits. Whether they talk about invincibility or Dom lands like Superman with an explosion behind him (close enough that you’d think he’d feel it or cover his head) we’re entering Marvel territory here. My grandfather used to tell me a story of how he fought 100 men on a bridge in the Korean War. It’s a classic in our family, but we knew it was fake. Some screenwriter must have heard grandpa’s story though and took it seriously! This can’t go on much further like this. Check the record, I’m a huge fan! So I say this with absolute love and respect. The franchise needs young blood and a change of direction, otherwise 10 should be the final bow.


Real fans will not be disappointed, but I believe your faith will be tested. The film’s pacing is a bit clunky as we deal with so many flashbacks to explain one particular aspect of the past. However, the family theme is there, nearly all major characters are here and the insane action is definitely front and center! I’d highly suggest watching 1, 4, 5, and 6 if you want to go into this with a fresh memory of who is who and what’s what. Otherwise, get ready for an entertaining time at the movies. See it in theaters for the best experience!

Rating: C+

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